BC Association of Fire Chaplains
Serving Those Who Stand On Guard To Protect Us All

The mission of the BC Association of Fire Chaplains is to bring together persons interested in providing an effective Chaplain Service: to give aid, comfort and help to firefighters and their families; to work toward the betterment of all areas of the fire and emergency service; to serve God; to aid humanity, our communities, our government, our religions, our Province and Country; to enhance the quality of life; to help mankind in developing their most noble characteristic-that of serving others; to help bring about a better understanding among all people with mutual harmony and respect regardless of one’s level of authority; and to achieve a single healing, unifying spirit of love for God and each other.

The BCAFC is non-sectarian, non-denominational, and calls for no compromise of either individual beliefs or convictions. Our first responsibility is to God, and second, to humanity.

As Fire Chaplains, our work is not limited to the area of fire departments, firefighters, communities, or victims of the devastating ravages of fire or other crises. We shall strive to help ease the suffering of our fellow human beings wherever our paths shall lead. However, as a base for our work, we have chosen the Fire Service, and fire victims, whose suffering is that most beyond description.

The members of the BCAFC believe that by bringing persons together to provide an effective response to Crisis Situations, by training, responding, in the work of the Chaplain, we will be able to achieve the goal of serving God and Humanity. 

This, with God’s help, we will strive to do.

The Annual conference will be held April 4-6

The Registration Site is now live!

Please register as soon as possible to ensure the 
Early Bird discount code,
it is good until March 16. 

There is a link to the Holiday Inn and a 15% discount on the registration site.

You will be redirected to the  EventBrite Website that is managing the registration

The early bird discount code is:  

You can share this link to registration through your website it will take them directly to the registration page. 

Or they can go through 
and find a link under the News /events tab.

Register / Renewal


How to Start a Chaplaincy Program